Hello hugo

This site and blog now uses Hugo and Github pages. When I registered my domain khalid.se, I was aiming to even have it as a itty.bitty site and be truly serverless. However, I wanted to take on the challenge to host the whole infrastructure by my self to get a real feeling of the challenges of setting up a server, from the OS to the actual HTML files. And it was an experience that taught me a lot, everything from how to set up a webserver, security configuration, log monitoring (to a certain extent)....

July 21, 2023

Are endusers really the weakest link?

I’ve recently started a cybersecurity course in university and got very engaged by an assignment where I was to make a list on how to reduce the human factor when dealing with cyber security, and wrote these thoughts. I’d like to delve deeper into an idea within cybersecurity professionals that “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link” that often is pointingat the end-users as that weakest link (1)....

February 5, 2023